Not Again - Happy Death Day 2U

Not Again - Happy Death Day 2U

Horror sequels are hit or miss. But when the original was already largely a gimmick, that equation starts to tilt much more to the miss side. Such is the case with Happy Death Day 2U. It is like watching a small child repeat over and over again the adorable thing that once got them laughs. The joke is worn and we wish you would stop doing it. The film isn’t a complete rehash of the original, but they aren’t working with nearly enough new territory to make this look like anything more than a money grab.


The film starts off with what looks like a new protagonist. This time, it is Ryan, the roommate, who wakes up in the same day over and over. Eventually, however, we are returned to Tree and the familiar loop from the original movie. It is at this point that the movie delves into the science behind what is causing this day to repeat. Ryan and a group of classmates have built a machine that is altering time and trapping Tree in the horror equivalent of Groundhog Day.

This time, while we follow Tree through the same day over and over, we discover she has actually slipped into another dimension. This dimension features key difference that forces Tree to decide what matters most to her. She must make that decision while figuring out how to escape and figuring out who is murdering her in a baby mask this time.


It is true, that Tree in a new dimension technically counts as a new story. And it is true that we get additional layers to this character. But none of it justifies the existence of another movie. It feels like the filmmakers actually understood that fact, so they amped up the jokes and performances to an absurdist degree. There is nothing vital or clever here. There is only the well-worn tread of tires that have been ridden too far and want to rest.

Hopefully, the movie’s inevitable box office success won’t encourage them to do more of this. Despite the film’s lack of new ground, it is something of an entertaining watch in spots. A third film would be unlikely to have even that going for it.



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